Thursday 19 May 2011


This is a leaflet I designed, to go inside my badge pack. 
For my final output, I'm going to create a badge back, or a couple of badge packs. Inside will hold this leaflet with all the information you will need to view my work and contact me.


I have seen the "Google" business card in a few places so I thought I would try it out, it's a good and interesting way to self promote, as long as you're at the top of Google!
I mocked up some t-shirts, as that's what most of my outputs go on, could be a fun way of doing it!

I've mocked up a plain business card, I would just have my logo on there, it leaves a kind of mystery, but then again people want to see what your work is like, so it may not be the best idea.

Creative business cards

I have been looking at creative business cards online, I came across these ones. 
I really like the ones where it shows you have put effort in, like the x-ray cards. It's more "grabbing" people tend to go for that kind of stuff, and get attached to it, they would find it harder to through away apposed to a boring card people tend to give out.


I think it would be really good to create some publications. To have your work in, possibly a little bit about yourself, website link and an email address.
I think it's a really effective way to get noticed.

I was thinking I could have a "publications" section or "shop" on my website, to sell books/prints, could be really good and effective, and a good way to make some money!